My advice to all Necromunda groups is to discuss this rule and come to an agreement before starting a Campaign.
This article is written with free removal and swapping of weapons allowed. This is a controversial rule, and my group like many others, ignores it completely. This makes changing your Fighters’ loadouts quite restrictive through the Campaign, as no Fighter can have more than three weapons, with Unwieldy weapons counting as two choices.
This is the first in a series of articles aimed at teaching players how to wage brutal gang warfare in the far future. If you’re looking for something a bit more specific, check out our individual gang breakdowns and tactics section. There are unique choices available to different Houses, but we won’t explore them in detail here. The Autogun, as well as the rest of the Pepperbox line, appear to be modeled after a toy gun, more specifically the NERF Maverick.Today, we’ll be covering what you should consider when building your starting 1,000 Credit Gang, regardless of which House or other Faction you have chosen. The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and are listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum. Can't move while firing nor while reloading at the end of the charge attack. Although there is no recoil when firing, the user cannot move during the attack.Ī burst of more powerful shots fired in a wider spread (6 x 5 squares) that sweeps back and forth twice. Alchemy Path Autogun's alchemy pathĪ burst of medium speed, low damage shots in spread up to 6 squares long and 3 squares wide. Note: When crafting using bound equipment as a precursor, the upgraded item will also be bound. Below are the materials needed to make the Autogun. The 2-star recipe for this item costs 1,000 crowns the alchemy cost is 400 crowns. : Basil - Randomly in stock for 1,000 crowns in depth 4, 13 Clockwork Terminals (unbound). : Vatel - Randomly in stock for 1,000 crowns in the Haven Bazaar (unbound). : Daxen - Always in stock for 1,000 crowns in the Hall of Heroes if the player is rank 4-1 or higher (bound). : Ricasso - Randomly in stock for 7,500 crowns in the Haven Bazaar (unbound). A fully automated handgun capable of rapidly firing powerful bolts of energy.